Social unrest and French occupation
The Urban transformation of the nineteenth century

For the entire eighteenth century Chieri was a large building site where some of the most important architects of the century worked. In 1726 Giovanni Antonio Sevalle worked on the female orphanage. In 1730 Filippo Juvarra worked on the churches of Sant’Andrea (no longer standing) and Sant’ Antonio Abate, later finished by Giuseppe Bays. From 1741 to 1762 Bernardo Vittone was in Chieri and designed the dome of San Bernardino, which became the  female orphanage in 1744,  the “Villa il Cipresso” (1750), the church of San Giorgio (1742), the chapel of  the Madonna delle Grazie and the church of Santa Lucia.

Ignazio Galletti designed the “Ospizio della Carità” (Charity Hospice) in 1756 and the expansion of the San Fillipo convent in 1762. His son Pietro Angelo designed the convent of San Francesco (now the Town Hall). Mario Ludovico Quarini designed the chapel of “Ospizio di Carità”, “Palazzo Biscaretti” in 1773 ( no longer standing), the facades of “San Bernardino” in 1792, the old Town Hall, 1771, and probably those of “San Filippo Neri” in 1758.

Social unrest and French occupation
The Urban transformation of the nineteenth century